Research PT.1
Pizza Making
- Spatula
- Dough Docker
- Sieve
- Baking Pan
- Rolling Pin
- Gloves
- Mask

- Sprinkle some flour over the dough
- Knead the dough to give it its general shape Flatten and even out of the dough with the rolling pin
- Pat the excess dough out once the ideal shape has been achieved
- Throw the dough in a clockwise direction to create the base that is to be fitted into the baking pan
- Press down the sides of the dough such that it fits nicely into the baking pan
- Roll over the pressed dough with a dough docker such that it removes the air from the base and minimises dough rising in the oven due to air particles
Add desired toppings onto dough base ​

Research PT.2
Sociological: Keto Diet Trend

The Keto Trend has been an extremely popular diet for many people for a while now.
The Diet consists of very low carbs + very high fat content
It promises rapid weight loss through the body process of Ketosis.
Transformation Instagram posts on @ketotransformations continues to spur the Keto-diet Movement.
Pizzas are keeping up with the keto-trend: Ultimate Keto-dough made out of coconut flour invented!
Research PT.3

Film and Media:
Pizza has always been featured as a popular dish since the very beginning. It was popularised by American media where pizza is known as delicious and cheap junk food.
Eg. Pizza Hydrator in Back
to the Future Part II (1989). In this episode, it was year 2015 and Pizza Hut sold dehydrated pizzas that could be rehydrated in a matter of seconds using a hydrator.

Fashion and Pop culture:
Celebrities brought the pizza- themed fashion into focus when they were spotted wearing pizza- accessories and clothing.
Katy Perry wore pizza-shaped earrings and a pizza-print bathing suit in her “This is How We Do” video.
An example is the Pie Top
II (2018), created by Shoes Surgeon, which are real shoes to order pizza through a button built into tongue of one of the sneakers, connected to your phone via bluetooth.

Pizza Hut + Toyota
Tundra PIE Pro, a zero- emission pickup with a robotic pizza-making factory.
Robot arms will first pull out a preassembled pizza from the mini-refrigerator, then place the pizza onto a high- speed ventless conveyor oven.
A second robot arm transfers the finished pie onto a cutting board, cuts the pizza into six pieces, and slides it into a pizza box. The whole process takes around six to seven minutes.
Technology (Thermal Dehydration Preservation Technology ):
Higher thermal efficiency, lower costs (operating, maintenance cost and capital), shorten processing time, while maintaining high product quality, and potential use of renewable energy.
Thermal dehydration is the most common and cost-effective technique for preservation of foods and for the production of traditional processed products such as snacks with desired functionalities.
Some methods include: heat-pump-assisted drying and microwave-assisted drying.

Technology (3D Food Printing ):
Originally used for design, prototyping, and industrial purposes, 3D printing has moved into the food scene.
In 3D food printing, a machine impresses ‘food ink’, a material that is edible and in a flowable state prior to extrusion, onto a surface and it prints layers on top of layers, forming an edible 3-dimensional object.
Current limitations of such technology includes the printer not having the ability to cook the product, the process can be time-consuming with a complex food product, and hygiene and cleanliness of the printer.